Municipal Library in Kolín - 1st prize in the design competition

Construction volume 23 922 m³
Gross floor area 7 262 m²
1st prize in the competition for the design of the MUNICIPAL LIBRARY IN KOLÍN

The library, in interaction with Jirásek Square, creates an attractive center of the Zálabí district and has the ambition to become not only a reading haven but also a meeting place for citizens.

The competition jury appreciated the overall concept of the design, which "urbanistically complements and closes the square with a new building of adequate size, height and scale".

The building responds in rhythm and generousity to the southwest side of the square, which is characterized by post-war modular development, while also accentuating the white supporting elements that are used in the reliefs of the historic houses on the eastern side of the square. This allows for the integrity of the public space that has so far been unclosed in the terms of urban design. 

According to the jury, "the building will bring positive and lively energy and contains a scenographically well-thought-out division and gradation of the interior spaces".

The compositional axis east - west, or Jirásek Square - Ant. Kaliny Street, runs through the center of the building, where the entrances, atrium and the main movement of people inside the building are located. The representative ground floor communicates with the exterior through glass panels, symbolizing openness to people and inviting them inside. From the first floor, the building is surrounded by light yet cozy galleries – relaxing reading areas and meeting places where the conversation of the people dissolves into the acoustics of the exterior. The galleries are shaded by a perforated white shell that simply waves around the entire building like a blank sheet of paper. This effect gives the design a contemporary minimalist appereance. 

"The building exudes an atmosphere that is filled with creativity, open-mindedness and a willingness to search and learn.", from the jury's evaluation.